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Heart (Robbins pathology)

Writer's picture: EasyMedEasyMed

heart disease

  • pump failed- systolic and diastolic dysfunction

  • obstructed flow-systemic HTN, calcified aortic stenosis, aortic coarctation

  • regurgitation-causes increase volume workload

  • shunted flow- causes volume and pressure overload

  • cardiac conduction disorders-uncoordinated cardiac impulses, blocked cardiac conduction pathway, arrhythmias

  • heart n major blood vessels ruptured-causes huge blood loss, hypotension, shock, fatal

systolic dysfunction

heart cannot empty properly

diastolic dysfunction

heart cannot relax sufficiently

heart failure

-congestive heart failure (endpoint of cardiac diseases) -progressive -poor outcome

congestive heart failure leads to

-insufficient cardiac output -higher preload (higher filling pressure than normal) etiology:

-due to hyper PTH, anemia -abrupt in onset

-sometimes due to large MI, acute valve dysfunction -most cases are gradual and subtle- cumulative chronic work overload / gradual loss of myocardium -may be due to systolic /diastolic dysfunction -endocarditis (leads to valve dysfunction)

restrictive cardiomyopathy

  • (stiff ,rigid, no thickened wall, less than normal ventricular filling)

Congestive heart failure

1) Develop from ischemia heart disease/ HTN which leads to systolic dysfunction (insufficient myocardial contractility) eventually to heart failure. 2) huge left ventricular hypertrophy, fibrosis of myocardium, deposition of amyloid, constrictive pericarditis (thickened, scarred sac)----- 1 1/2 of cases 3) higher frequency in aged individual, diabetic, women

forward cardiac failure

  • pump insufficient leads to increased end-diastolic volume thereby increased end-diastolic pressure

backward cardiac failure

-congestion of venous circulation -elevated venous pressure


  • decreased cardiac contractility

  • hemodynamic demand

  • frank-starling mechanisms

  • neurohumoral system activated

  • structural changes of myocardium

  • hypertrophy

compensated heart failure

-maintain normal cardiac output with dilated ventricles -mechanism

1) increased end-diastolic volume,

2) increase cardiac myofiber stretching

3) increased length of the muscle fiber

4) increased cardiac output

decompensated heart failure

-cannot maintain normal cardiac output due to failed myocardial muscles -mechanism-

1) increased wall tension over time

2) increased oxygen demand

neurohumoral compensation


myocardial structural changes

pressure overload ( HTN , Valvular stenosis) volume overload (regurgitation, shunts)

pressure overload

parallel addition of sarcomere concentric hypertrophic - thickened wall without chamber dilation

volume overload

series addition of sarcomere heart weight increased dilated chamber with thicker/ normal / reduced thickness of the chamber

cardiac hypertrophy

  • increased oxygen demand

  • prone to ischemic injury as there is no additional capillary bed being formed despite increased in myocardial muscle mass

  • altered gene expression resemble to fetal myocytes eg: changes in dominant myosin heavy chain

ischemia n chronic workload

  1. Apoptosis myocardial cells

  2. Altered Cytoskeleton

  3. Deposited extracellular matrix

sudden cardiac death

cardiac hypertrophy

pathology compensated hypertrophy

INCREASED mortality

physiology adaptations -volume-loaded hypertrophy due to regular aerobic exercise -accompany increase blood capillaries -reduced heart rate, Blood pressure

left-sided heart failure etiology

-ischemia heart disease -HTN -Mitral valve disease -Aortic valve disease -Amyloidosis (deposition of amyloids- can be in kidney as well) –decreased systemic perfusion -elevated pulmonary pressure

atrial fibrillation

  • hypertrophied left ventricle

  • dilated left ventricle

dilated left ventricle

-result in mitral valve insufficiency -left atrium enlargement -increased incidence of atrial fibrillation

microscopic changes in heart failure

-hypertrophied myocyte -interstitial fibrosis

acute left sided-heart failure

-raised pressure in pulmonary veins leads to transmission of pressure into the arteries and veins of the lungs result in congestion, edema. -pleural effusion occurs due to increase filtration (increased hydrostatic pressure) from the visceral pleura venules -perivascular and interstitial transudate -alveolar septa edema -edema fluid accumulated in alveolar spaces

chronic left-sided heart failure

-heart failure cells -phagocytosed leaked RBC (Hemosiderin-laden alveolar macrophage)


product of plasma filtration (ultrafiltrate)


product of inflammations

paroxysmal/sudden attack

azo- refer to nitrogen

engorgement is obstruction

cardiac decompensation

biventricular heart failure

progression of congestive heart failure

cyanotic acidotic


abnormal narrowing of the openings


pain (lack of blood supply to the muscles eg in the leg)



Early symptoms

dyspnea on exertion cough (transudate in air spaces)

Disease Progression

-orthopnea (recumbent- straight lying down) -in supine position (enhanced venous return, diaphragm Is raised ,not pull by gravity- more blood to the right sided-heart ) -relieved by standing,

-sitting - reduced Venous return, diaphragm is pulled down slightly by gravity

Severe symptom

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

left ventricular failure

  1. Cardiomegaly

  2. Tachycardia

  3. S3 (third heart sound)

  4. Crackles sounds from the lungs (rales (crackling sounds) indicate edematous pooling at the opening alveoli of base of the lungs)

  5. progressive dilatation

  6. papillary muscles are displaced/ pulled outward

  7. leaky valve (mitral regurgitation) manifested as systolic murmur

  8. continue ATRIAL dilatation lead to atrial fibrillation manifested as irregular HEART BEAT.

  9. Uncoordinated, irregular, chaotic atrial contractions

  10. Decreased atrial contribution to ventricular filling, decreased ventricular stroke volume

  11. blood stasis (not moving) in the atrial appendages

  12. prone to formation of thrombus

  13. shed thrombus form embolus

  14. embolus travel to distant organs

  15. causing obstructions

  16. manifested as ischemia possibly proceed to infarction in other organs

  17. decreased cardiac output

  18. decreased renal perfusion

  19. RAAS activations

  20. increase intravascular (blood) volume via reabsorption of salt thereby water in the kidney & pressure via vasoconstriction (raised afterload)

  21. failed heart

  22. adding cumulative effect on pulmonary edema

further progression

  1. prerenal azotemia (high nitrogen product in blood- sign of kidney failure)

severe congestive heart failure

-hypoxic encephalopathy -decreased cognitive function -stupor -restlessness


  1. treat valvular dysfunction

  2. treat cardiac inadequate perfusion

  3. diuretics (for volume overload)

  4. positive inotropes

  5. adrenergic inhibitor (to reduce afterload)

  6. ace inhibitor (opposed aldosterone, restrict cardiac hypertrophy +remodeling)

  7. cardiac resynchronization therapy

  8. cardiac contractility modulator

Right-sided Heart Failure etiology

normaly due to consequence of left sided heart failure due to congested pulmonary circulations (raised pulmonary pressure)

isolated right sided heart failure (cor pulmonae) etiology -from parenchymal lung disorders -from primary pulmonary HTN (common in cor pulmonae) which in turn lead to right-sided hypertrophy and dilation. -from recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism -from pulmonary vasoconstriction in people with obstructive sleep apnea

right-sided Hypertrophy and dilation

  • commonly restricted to the right ventricle and right atrium

  • uncommon in bulging to the left ventricular septum causing reduce cardiac output

clinical features

-obstruction in systemic n portal VENOUS system -less effect on pulmonary congestion -congestive hepatomegaly (passive congestion- appear like nutmeg liver) (congestion occur in centrilobular area, peripheral parenchyma is paler with no congestion) -if accompany with left sided heart failure- centrilobular necrosis and sinusoidal congestion -chronic right-sided heart failure, central fibrosis creating cardiac cirrhosis.


-portal HTN -congestive splenomegaly ( tense, enlarged spleen)-- -severe passive congestion lead to bowel wall edema -malabsorption of nutrients and medications

consequences of systemic venous congestion

transudates (effusion) into the pleural and pericardial space but don’t cause pulmonary edema

consequences of both left and right sided heart failure

-more pronounced pleural effusion -pulmonary edema

consequences of hepatic congestion (with or without reduced albumin synthesis) and portal HTN

-peritoneal effusion/ transudate (ascites)

uncomplicated effusions

low protein, low number of inflammatory cells

hallmark of right sided-heart failure

-edema in the feet and lower legs -no respiratory symptoms -venous congestion -hypoxia of kidney and brain

chronic bedridden patient

presacral edema

Congenital Heart Disease

abnormality of heart/great vessels


- severe-intrauterine incompatibility

- perinatal incompatibility -cardiac malformation -unrecognised


-higher in premature birth -higher in stillborn


surgical intervention

secondary effect after surgical treatment

-arrhythmias -myocardial dysfunction

etiology of congenital heart disease

  1. faulty embryogenesis (between week 3 to 8)

  2. environmental exposure

  • congenital rubella infections

  • teratogens

  • maternal diabetes

  1. genetic (autosomal dominant)

  • familial

  • -chromosomal abnormalities (chr 13,15, 18,21, turner syndrome)

cardiac morphogenesis

  1. progenitor cells

  2. myocardial lineage

  3. myocardial formation

  4. heart tube looping

  5. heart tube segmentation

  6. cardiac chamber growth

  7. cardiac valve formation

  8. great vessels connected to the heart

transformations mediators

  1. transcription factors

  2. signalling molecules

  • Wnt

  • Vascular endothelial growth (VEGF)

  • Bone morphogenic Protein (BMP)

  • Transforming growth factor B (TGF-B)

  • Fibroblast growth factor

  • Notch pathway

  • pulsatile, flowing blood (sensed by the developing cells of the heart and the vessels)

transcription factors mutations

  1. Atrial Septal Defect

  2. Ventricular Septal Defect

  3. Conduction Defect

TBX5 mutation--(T-box 5 protein (tf)-important in growth n development of heart (eg the electrical system of the heart/ the conduction system of the heart) n upper limbs

Holt-oram syndrome

intracellular signaling mutations

Noonan syndrome

types malformations

  1. left to right shunt

  2. right to left shunt (cyanotic)

  3. obstructions

left to right shunt (atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus)

  1. increase blood volume to the lungs

  2. increase pulmonary resistance

  3. right ventricular hypertrophy

  4. right sided-heart failure

  5. shunt reversal

  6. late onset cyanosis

  7. completely asymptomatic to sudden/fulminant heart failure

vascular flow obstruction

  1. complete- atresia

  2. chamber, valve, blood vessels narrowing

tetralogy of fallot

-pulmonary stenosis -shunt via ventricular septal defect

defects (heart)

some causes hypoplasia (reduced muscle mass)

- develop atrophy post-natal

effect of atrial septal defect

elevated right ventricular n pulmonary outflow volume

effect of ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus

raised pulmonary blood flow raised pulmonary blood pressure

chronic left to right shunting

-pulmonary HTN chronic right to left shunting-cyanosis

(Eisenmenger syndrome) -irreversible structural defect -require early interventions

foramen ovale

ostium primum ostium secundum

tissue flaps

septum primum septum secundum

fusion of the septa via high pressure left atrium

20% unsealed foramen ovale

patent foramen ovale

valsalva maneuver (patent foramen ovale)

-sneezing -straining during bowel movement

paradoxical embolism (patent foramen ovale)

-venous emboli from deep leg vein

atrial septal defect

-fixed opening -ostium secundum (inadequate growth of the septum secundum to occlude the second ostium

*atrial septal defect not the same as patent foramen ovale

ostium secundum

-smooth-walled defect near foramen ovale

chronic increased in volume loads

-right atrium dilation -right ventricle dilation -right ventricular hypertrophy -pulmonary artery dilation

ostium primum (atrial septal defect)

-lowest part of atrial septum -mitral/ tricuspid valve abnormal -additional defects : ventricular septal defect common AV canal

development of septum primum

located near to the endocardial cushions

sinus venosus atrial septal defect

  • high up in the atrial septum

  • drainage of pulmonary veins into the right atrium

  • drainage of pulmonary veins into the superior vena cava

onset of atrial septal defect

asymptomatic in child hood

adult onset

*ventricular septal defect is more common but close spontaneously

*chronic volume and pressure overloads cause pulmonary HTN

surgical closure of intravascular atrial septal defect

1) prevent heart failure from developing 2) prevent paradoxical embolism

3) prevent irreversible pulmonary vascular diseases

ventricular septal defect

formation of the ventricular septum

  1. growth of muscular ridge upwards from the apex

  2. growth of membranous partition of the endocardial cushions downward

  3. fusion of both the muscular ridge and membranous partition

  4. basal (membranous) region of the septum (last part to develop)

ventricular septal defect

  1. 90% close spontaneously (muscular portion) in childhood

  2. 20-30% occur in isolation

  3. remaining - associated with cardiac malformations

Defect types

  1. minute/ small defect in membranous septum

  2. virtually defect in the entire interventricular wall

left to right shunt

-right ventricular hypertrophy

-increased diameter of pulmonary artery due to increased in right ventricular output and right ventricular pressure

-pulmonary HTN -congestive heart failure

things happen more frequent in ventricular septal defect than atrial septal defect

  1. reversal of shunt (right to left) as a result of pulmonary HTN

  2. cyanosis

jet lesion in the right ventricle

causes endothelial damage increased risk for infective endocarditis

patent ductus arteriosus

join from left pulmonary artery to the aorta

normally within 1 to 2 days after birth ductus arteriosus constricts and closes

stimulus induce closure of ductus arteriosus

  1. elevated arterial oxygenation

  2. reduced in pulmonary vascular resistance

  3. decreased prostaglandin E2 level

  4. obliteration leaving behind strands of fibrous tissue (ligamentum arteriosum)

delayed/ absent in closure etiology -hypoxia (due to respiratory distress or heart disease)

left to right shunt

patent ductus arteriosus

large defect of the patent ductus arteriosus

-lead to eisenmenger syndrome eventually -cyanosis eventually -congestive heart failure

*high pressure shunt predispose to infective endocarditis *

aortic/ pulmonic atresia

sustain patent ductus arteriosus with prostaglandin E


  1. tetralogy of fallot

  2. transposition of great vessel (switch position)

severe systemic cyanosis

1)clubbing of the tips of fingers 2)clubbing of the tips of toes

  • hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (periosteal reaction of the long bone without underlying bone lesion)

tetralogy of fallot

  1. ventricular septal defect

  2. right ventricular outflow obstruction/ subpulmonic stenosis

  3. aortic overriding of the ventricular septal defect

  4. right ventricular hypertrophy

septum between the pulmonary trunk and aortic root

-anterosuperior displacement of the infundibulum septum

enlarged heart, boot

-right ventricular hypertrophy -dilated aorta -hypoplasia of pulmonary trunk -right ventricular hypertrophy

*overriding aorta : outflow of blood from both ventricles

obstructed right ventricular outflow

  1. subpulmonic stenosis

  2. pulmonary valve stenosis

  3. complete valvular atresia

  4. complete proximal arteries atresia

obstructed right ventricular outflow


  1. persistent patent ductus arteriosus

  2. dilated bronchial arteries

tetralogy of fallot

1)right to left shunting 2) decreased pulmonary blood flow

3) increased aortic volumes

4) severity dependent on the degree of pulmonary outflow obstruction

mild pulmonary obstruction

resemble ventricular septal defect no cyanosis left to right shunt

pulmonic outflow stenosis

  1. protection to pulmonary vasculature from pressure and volume overload

  2. no pulmonary HTN

  3. rare right ventricular failure

  4. cyanosis

  5. polycythemia (high rbc)(result from hypoxia)

  6. hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

  7. right to left shunting

  8. risk of infective endocarditis

  9. systemic embolism

  10. hyperviscosity- extra red blood cells blocked / slow the blood flow in smaller blood vessels result in ischemia

transposition of great arteries

-INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE -unless left to right shunt occurs as in the ventricular septal defect -hypoplastic left ventricle -hypertrophy right ventricle -immediate surgical intervention

subpulmonic stenosis

obstruction closer to the valve

congenital obstructions

  1. pulmonic valve stenosis

  2. aortic valve stenosis

  3. aortic valve atresia

  4. coarctation of the aorta

aortic coarctation

  1. twice affect more in male than female

  2. turner syndrome (normally have coarctation)

two forms

: 1) infantile/ preductal (hypoplasia of aortic arch) close to patent ductus arteriosus- right ventricular hypertrophy

2) adult/ postductal form (ridge-like infolding of the aorta-from smooth muscles and elastic fibers of aortic media) (onset -later in life)- left ventricular hypertrophy

  1. pre-ductal- dilated pulmonary trunk

  2. post-ductal dilated aortic arch and branch vessels

pre-ductal coarctation

1)cyanosis at lower half of the body 2) die in neonatal period without intervention

post-ductal coarctation

  1. upper extremity HTN

  2. weak pulses

  3. lower extremity hypotension

  4. lower extremity claudication

  5. lower extremity coldness

exuberant collateral circulations (enlarged intercostal and internal mammary arteries-seen as notching of the ribs)

significant coarctation

palpable thrill systolic murmur

treatment with balloon dilation, stent, surgical resection, end to end anastomosis , prosthetic graft

Ischemia Heart Disease

Imbalance of

  1. cardiac perfusion

  2. oxygen

  3. nutrients


1)obstructive atherosclerotic vascular disease -causes decreased coronary blood flow -atherosclerotic coronary artery

onset in childhood/ adult

cardiac ischemia etiology

  1. increased heart rate

  2. HTN

  3. Hypotension

  4. shock

  5. pneumonia

  6. CHF

  7. anemia

  8. CO poisoning

cardiac syndrome

angina pectoris

  1. (stable, exertion onset)

  2. prinzmetal angina (vessel spasm)

  3. unstable (at rest, less exertion onset)

MI-dependent on the severity and duration of the ischemia

Chronic ischemia heart disease with congestive heart failure- cardiac decompensation (progression)

sudden cardiac death

cardiac decompensation etiology

  1. acute MI

  2. Accumulated ischemia insults (mechanical pump failure)

reduce risk factor

1) smoking 2) HTN

3) diabetes


1)aspirin prophylaxis 2) control arrhythmia

3) thrombolysis

4) endovascular stent placement

5) angioplasty

6) coronary bypass graft surgery

IHD is a consequence of preexisting atherosclerotic occlusion of the coronary artery with superimposed thrombosis / vasospasmatheroslcerotic artery

  1. left anterior descending artery

  2. left circumflex artery

  3. right coronary artery

secondary branch of atherosclerosis

  1. diagonal branch of left anterior descending artery

  2. obtuse marginal branch of left circumflex artery

  3. posterior descending branch of right coronary artery

critical stenosis

70% obstruction of the lumen

fixed stenosis

>70%stable angina

fixed stenosis reach >90%

unstable angina with insufficient coronary blood flow

low rate atherosclerotic lesion

-allows coronary vessels remodeling -in acute coronary blockage, such compensation does not occur


  1. interaction with EC, leukocyte circulation, T cell and macrophage recruitment n activations

  2. these cellls drive smooth muscle cells proliferation, accumulation, matrix production, superimposed atheroma (With lipid, cholesterol core, calcified, necrotic debri)

  3. macrophage metalloproteinase secretion to destabilise the plaque


  1. erosion and rupture of the plaque --- lead to acute coronary syndrome

  2. lead to unstable angina / sudden cardiac death

subendocardial infarction

  1. partial luminal occlusion by thrombus

mural thrombi

  1. embolization

unstable angina 1)possibly microinfarct

plaque disruption

  1. increased local mechanical shearing forces

  2. increased vessel spasms

stimulus to vasoconstriction

  1. circulating adrenergic agonist

  2. local platelet content release

  3. imbalance between endothelial relaxing and contracting factors

  4. mediators released by perivascular inflammatory CELLS (eg: neutrophils, macrophage, eosinophils, mast cells, lymphocytes, plasmacytes)

acute plaque change

acute coronary syndrome may lead to

  1. unstable angina

  2. sudden cardiac death

  3. infarction

stimulus that EXPOSE thrombogenic constituent / subendothelial basement membrane

  1. rupturing

  2. fissuring

  3. ulceration

types of obstructions

  1. fixed coronary obstruction (in typical angina)

  2. severe, fixed coronary obstruction ( in chronic IHD)

  3. mural thrombus obstruction (in unstable angina, acute subendothelial myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death)

  4. occlusive thrombus (acute transmural myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death)

stimulus for plaque erosion

  1. endothelial injury

  2. apoptosis

  3. inflammatory

  4. toxic exposure

factors predispose to plaque rupture

  1. thin fibrous cap

  2. fissures with high mechanical stress

factors determine plaque stability

  1. fibrous cap remodeling (balance of collagen synthesis and collagen degradation)

  2. metalloprotease secreted by the macrophage degrade the collagen of the fibrous cap

  3. paucity / scarcity of the smooth muscles cells (prone to rupture)

  4. large number of inflammatory cells (prone to rupture)

  5. statin increase plaque stability and reduce plaque inflammation (in both coronary arterial disease and ischemia heart disease)

  6. adrenergic stimulation leads to HTN, local vasospasm which increase physical stress exert on the plaque

high incidence of acute MIbetween 6am to noon

angina pectoris

intermittent chest paindefinetransient reversible myocardial ischemiacauses

  1. typical/ stable angina

  2. prinzmetal/ variant angina

  3. unstable angina/ crescendo angina

variantsischemia-induced -release of adenosine -bradykinin -autonomic nerve stimulationpain mediators

  1. crushing

  2. squeezing substernal sensation radiates from the left arm to the left jaw (as referred pain)

  3. pain relieved by rest

  4. treat with drugs such as vasodilator (nitroglycerin)

symptoms and treatment of stable angina1)occurs at rest 2)coronary artery spasm

  1. treat with( vasodilator ,nitroglycerin, calcium channel blocker)

etiology, symptoms, treament of prinzmetal/ variant angina1)occurs at rest, occur with less exertion

  1. plaque disruption, superimposed thrombosis, distal embolization, vasospasm- sign of MI

symptoms and etiology of crescendo/unstable angina


heart attacknecrosis of heart musclefrequency

  1. 10% before age 40

  2. 45% before age 65

  3. men greater risk

  4. menopause higher risk

etiology OF MI

  1. acute thrombosis within the coronary artery

exception1)transmural infarction occur in the absent of occlusive atherosclerotic vascular diseasesetiology of TRANSMURAL INFARCTION

  1. coronary artery vasospasm

  2. mural thrombus embolization

  3. atrial fibrillation

  4. valvular vegetation


subendocardial infarction absent of thrombus and embolus

endomyocardium-most distal to the epicardial vessels

other ischemia etiology (absent of atherosclerosis, thromboembolic disease)

1)small intramyocardial arterioles (eg: vasculitis, amyloid deposition, stasis, SCA)



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